And that means 475 smiling children’s faces
This amount has totally exceeded our expectations. We have been astounded by the generosity of people!
Areas presents distributed in –
240 presents in Alto Casa de Agua, Chan de Vital, Ribeira de Crakuinha and Monte Monte Sossego SÃO VICENTE.
155 in Sâo Paolo and Casa Para Todos, Santa Maria, SAL.
80 in Chan de Mathias and Africa 70, Espargos, SAL.
We have so many people to thank –
Thank you Nija Inês, Gus Gomes and Zion Gomes for working non stop, packing bags and then spending their whole Christmas Day & Boxing Day distributing the bags. A huge thank you to @Claudia Patricia (coby) for helping as well – even though she was 9 months pregnant!! Claudia has since had a beautiful baby boy.
Thank you to Deisy Raquel Gonçalves and Naldina Pina for distributing in Espargos.
Thank you to Carole Townsend and Amandia Matias for their help sorting and distributing in Santa Maria.
Thank you to Hamilton Santos for collecting donations.
Thank you to Jane Unwin, Sian Unwin and Lucy Unwin for helping to transport and sort donations.
The bags contained a present, an item of clothing and an essential item like toothpaste, toothbrush or soap. So thank you to everyone one of you who donated in any way towards this appeal. It would not have been possible without all of you!!!