Our charity event in Palha Verde village on Sunday, incapsulated the whole essence of ‘Cape Verde in Need’ ♥️🇨🇻♥️
When we set up the original fundraisers, more than two years ago it quickly became apparent that providing relief from hunger was not enough. We needed to find a way to relieve some of the mental burden that so many Cape Verdeans live with day in and day out.
This is how the charity activity days were born! A day of fun for the kids playing their beloved football. Laughter and dancing for the adults, along with a delicious hot meal.
This has gone from strength to strength and because of all of your kind donations we are able provide to provide each child with a gift.
This is how your donations were distributed:
- 28 boys got football boots or a football strip
- 17 girls got craft activity sets, hair accessories and clothing
- 8 babies got various baby toys and books
- 20,000 cve (£150) provided enough Cachupa for 45 kids, 8 babies, 50 adults with enough left over to feed the whole village the next day too!
Thank you 😘😘😘